Friday 18 March 2016

4 Videos You Should Watch

I'm kind of struggling to think of a good title for this one, so the above will just have to do. This may seem like a slightly lazy post, seen as the videos themselves are doing all the talking but I love the idea of spreading great ideas and knowledge across the internet and so I thought I could use my teeny platform on the web to help do so. I love receiving video links from friends about topics that they think might interest me or that's peaked an interest inside of them, and sparked a discussion. The internet is a great place to stumble across like minded people or even better, people that can open your mind up to ideas you'd never considered before or given much thought.

Hopefully the videos below will be of interest to anyone reading this and will at least give you some food for thought on a few topics. So I won't waffle on any more, they mostly speak for themselves after all...

So my first 2 videos are by the same YouTuber- justkissmyfrog. I discovered her videos a couple of weeks back and I've been going through her channels back catalogue since. She focuses heavily on books and I do love those videos, but my favourite videos she does are actually just the more relaxed chatty ones centring on one particular talking point. She's one of those YouTuber's that I'll be sat there nodding along  thinking 'why haven't I seen someone mention this before in a video? she's putting exactly how I feel into words'.

Being Alone: A video about being ok with just doing things alone and not sharing all the parts of our day with someone to validate them. This one really resonated with me, especially as some one who is single and often misses that element of having a significant other.

Not Like Other Girls: I can't seem to post this one here so you can click HERE and it will take you to the video. This one was something I'd never actually given much thought but as soon as I started watching the video I got exactly where Leena was coming from. She talks about internalized misogyny and the idea of the 'cool girl' being the type of girl who shuns anything deemed too feminine and basically how that's a load of bollocks. Leena talks about her own experiences when she was younger of deliberately shunning make up due to the fact that she thought it showed people externally that she 'wasn't like the other girls'. I can relate to this, not in a make up sense (I've always been a lover of make up) but in the sense that in the past I've spoken about certain things I liked and described them as 'things guys are into' or I've been told 'you like that oh, that's unusual for a girl'. I mean its easy to come out with things like that when it's so ingrained in us the idea that certain things are unusual for me to like purely because I'm a girl (I'm very guilty of this) but I really need to stop myself from feeding into that idea and I think she puts across some great points about this in her video. I'll stop now before I start waffling and I lose track of this list. Go watch it.

I could honestly post so many of Leena's videos but I want to throw a couple more videos from other content creators into the mix. So if you like what you've seen I'd really recommend looking up her channel on YouTube and hitting the subscribe button.

If The World Were 100 People: WATCH THIS NOW. No, in all seriousness, this video will give you the biggest reality check you could have in just under 3 minutes. It breaks the world down into 100 people and there are a lot of sobering figures throughout. For example 77 would have shelter and 23 would not. Even down to the less important 'needs' in life, like internet access, only 44 would have access to the internet and 56 would not. I found that particular figure quite poignant, obviously there are much worse indifferences pointed out and horrific inequalities globally but the internet one struck a chord because so often you hear or read people saying that the internet is wonderful because it gives anyone that wants to the chance to express their thoughts/feelings via an on-line platform (which in lots of cases it most certainly does) but in actual fact so many people will never get the chance to access such a wonderful platform to do so. That particular stat, which in all honesty shouldn't come as a surprise to me really, but often I am ignorant (trying to change this- i promise), made me think about how fortunate I am to even be able to blog. Even if just one person reads it, I get the opportunity to have my voice heard on the internet and that is wonderful. Of course the video does raise many other important issues and I don't mean to gloss over them as an opportunity to talk about my privileges, I just wanted to acknowledge that particular one and take a moment to realise how much I appreciate the fact that really I have been one of the incredibly lucky ones in the lottery of birth, to even end up being born in a suburb of Manchester in England and able to do things like write this post.

Body Image and Feminism: Lucy is another YouTuber I discovered recently. This is a great short video that opens up the discussion of body image and where we get our validation from. She makes some interesting and honest points about how she feels about the fact that she has gained confidence about her body through the validation of men and whether or not this contradicts her feminist ideals.

If you watch any of these I'd love to know and we could maybe even start some discussions of our own stemming from one of these videos, that'd be ace. Or if you have any videos you think I might find insightful or interesting pop them in the comments.

Remember to subscribe to me via the bloglovin button or search for 'TheSafeHarbour' on there to find me, I'd really love it if you did!



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