Thursday, 13 August 2015

Women on the small screen

I love a badass female character in a television series, especially when they're in a cast made up of equally badass men and they aren't reduced to simply playing the demure pretty type. Sure, these women too can be pretty but that's not all there is to them, they have many shades to their character and that's why I love 'em. Big props to the following shows creators, these characters have brought me many hours of entertainment and food for thought. So I thought I'd compile and mini list, now in no particular order lets dive in.

1) Snoop (The Wire)

In a large cast that's heavily dominated by headstrong and often relentless characters this lady certainly holds her own. The acting and casting throughout The Wire is impeccable and Snoop is no exception to this. Played by an actress of the same name Felicia 'Snoop' Pearson, Snoop is primarily a brutally violent drug gang enforcer. She's definitely the least likeable character to appear on my list, being the cold blooded killer that she is. However, despite her complete void of sensitivity I still can't help but love her. After all if the master of terror himself  (Stephen King) was quoted as saying "perhaps the most terrifying female villain to ever appear in a television series" you know that the characters doing something right. 

2) Buffy Summers (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)

This ones a funny one, y'see I was never into the show when I was younger, I think I thought it looked a bit naff or I was maybe just slightly too young to really get a lot of the tongue in cheek wit that's sprinkled throughout. Thinking about it now, I may have to do a post dedicated soley to the show Im THAT much of a convert but anyway I digress, back to the leading lady- Buffy. This is how you do a female TV character, shes tough yet sensitive, witty and tenacious, the list goes on... With 7 whole seasons to explore this character you see her at her weakest and her strongest and even though her character is a demon/ vampire fighter/ saviour of the world, you relate to her because shes has slip ups and occasionally makes some questionable decisions, most notably when it comes to her love life. Most of all though, I love her for her sharp wit and playful charm.I think thats about enough gushing and geeking out don't you? Ok onto the next..

3) Margaery Tyrell (Game of Thrones)

I'm going to assume that anyone reading this knows who this character is, after all every man and his cat have seen Game of Thrones, but in case your not familiar Margaery Tyrell is a young lady of the house Tyrell, one of the many houses featured in the GoT world. She cleverly poses as a sweet innocent maiden to use her femininity and charm to win over powerful male figures, ultimately to gain power for herself and her family. Margaery is very self aware and tactful in order to get where she wants to be and it makes for great television, especially when she's up against other strong willed female characters such as Cersei. But unlike Cersei who I find very dislikeable there's something very charming about Margaerys character, yes she does trample over others to get to the top and yes she does use her sexuality as a tool to do so but she has enough sass and sweetness to make her a lovable screen presence. A master at manipulating peoples emotions and a brilliant game player, she just gets better and better to watch. I'm really hoping she doesn't get killed off any time soon, but this is Got were talking about, no character is safe. Just as a side note here, nope I haven't read the books, so this is just purely the TV version of her I'm waffling about. To put it plainly the tv adaption of Margaery rocks and the show wouldn't be the same without her.

I could make this list much much longer but for now I think I leave it here, 3 is the magic number or more- 3 is the amount I can write without this turning into a foot long essay. Im all girl powered out, til next time...

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